вторник, 26 января 2016 г.

Your Complete Drug-Free Treatments For Sinusitis

Your Complete Drug Free Treatments For Sinusitis
You’ll get over 30 Alternative Healing Treatments of my personal
breakthrough research.
Every method and strategies are broken down into easy to apply stages — STEP-BY-STEP
  • How to stop the cold or flu from going to the sinuses… you will have at your finger tips the most effective way to prevent a cold and the best winter food to eat during the winter months. These simple remedies will help strengthen your body to fight the cold viruses before they attack on your nasal lining so that you will experience less sneezing, stop sinus congestion and infection. You will sleep well at night and gain back your physical health (page 17-61)
  • The #1 most effective ways to determine what trigger your sinus problems… just by understanding what specifically trigger your sinusitis could bring you one step closer to clear sinuses. Simply tackling all contributing triggers means you will get your sinuses working fully for you again. You will learn step-by-step how to investigate, identify and uncover substances that trigger your immune response to overreact so that you will never suffer from sinus disorder again (Chapter 7&page 14)
  • The truth about conventional treatments and how you can finally free yourself… Many drugs have harmful side effects! Find out what they are… Studies have shown that 95% of people who use OTC or prescription drugs are able to control their sinus symptoms temporarily. You can be in the successful 5% group who clear your symptoms forever. I will give you more powerful natural alternative remedies to eradicate the internal cause of your conditions — yeast infections, digestion problems or long healing periods often associated with drugs. And with the money saved, you can spend more on fresh fruits and vegetables, and invest in your respiratory health – the Drug-Free Way (page 88)
  • The secret and most powerful way for eradicating the most harmful microbes that inhabits your environment… I will show you some practical ways to take control of your home – dusts, irritants and molds as well as your work environment to keep your respiratory healthy so that you can reduce nasal allergies by half. Cleaning with a natural product means you will not aggravate your sinus tissues, not only that you will get my own proven and tested recipes that smell pleasant, open up your blocked sinuses, harmless to your health and that of your family. Your home will smell fresh and you can tweak the recipes to whatever scent you want as long as you use the main therapeutic ingredients (page 77)
  • How to use the power of natural remedies to treat your on-going sinus issues safely and holistically… the remedies used in my "Your complete Drug-free treatments for sinusitis" e-book are simple, easy and effective. You will discover how to use all-natural ingredients that you can find in your kitchen cupboard to provide relief from the painful symptoms of sinus conditions without running to the pharmacy! And you suffer from no side effects. I will give you complete ingredients lists and clear instructions. With more than dozen herbal formulations, you will find one or two to relieve from sinus congestion, reduce swelling and breathe easy (page 33 – 35)
  • How to use the five elements of the east to heal your sinuses… an ancient and yet powerful diagnosis tool to quickly uncover the underlying cause of your sinusitis and all general health problems. You will discover exactly which organs are out of balance according to the elements. This quick assessment allows you to source the right herbal remedies to reduce the formation of excess mucus, swelling and inflammation, promote better circulation, strengthening of your overall body and organ tissues (page 37)
  • What you should never eat to improve you sinus health… 3 naturally occurring food chemicals you should avoid that are known to over-react in some individuals. You will learn the exact strategies expert use to remove food suspects and which food to avoid. I will show you how to eat smarter and make better food choices to free yourself from allergies, sensitivities and inflamed nasal lining. This strategy alone can totally transform the inflammation you’re suffering from (page 46)
  • The simple method used to increase the ability of your body to fight sinus infection… and all other upper respiratory diseases. You will discover the reasons why you are prone to sinus infection, the types of food you should eat and avoid. It is as simple as changing your eating habits. I will recommend the best diet for your sinuses and food to strengthen your immune system to fight viruses and bacteria infection. You will no longer spend your winter months being miserable, feeling fatigue, staying in bed for hours fighting off your infection, and you don't have to worry about your cold going into your sinuses (page 42)
  • 3 proven techniques to remove the root cause by focusing on different parts of your body… this simple, cheap yet deadly effective method of getting rid of your system blockages and allowing your body to strengthen and heal itself. You'll discover how to take advantage of your body's natural pain killers and supercharge them so that they can reduce your chronic symptoms. I will give you a pictorial chart so that you can master the step-by-step massage techniques to get relief on specific key points of your body. Not only that you can massage anywhere, impress your family and friends and apply them not only on your sinus disorders but other illnesses as well. These 3 techniques alone can transform and speed up your healing process (page 66)
  • Dozens of best-kept secrets to clean and clear your nasal cavities… without antibiotic or steroid spray to restore your cilia movement so that you can get rid of excess mucus before they enter into your sinuses. You will be provided with comprehensive lists of proven home remedies and simple devices to drain your sinuses so that you can breathe normally again. You will save money as these things can be found around your home and your local store (page 23-31)
  • How to do your own simple DIY assessment to find out if it is cold, allergies or sinusitis… I will guide you step-by-step, you will follow a simple table to conduct your basic diagnosis so that you can start your treatment right away even at 2.am (page 16-17)
  • And so much more…

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