четверг, 7 января 2016 г.

Angel Detox

If you feel tired and overwhelmed, here are some tips which can help you: 

  1. Have compassion on yourself. Give yourself a break, and be understanding about your feelings, instead of pushing yourself through them. After all, you’re probably tired from the emotions, efforts, pressures, and adrenaline of the holiday season. If you haven’t had a good day of rest, then no wonder you feel tired and overwhelmed.
  2. Simplify. What non-essentials can you remove from your schedule? What can you delegate to others? Maybe it’s hire some help with housekeeping, for example, even if it’s just for the deep cleaning once a month.
  3. Detox. Even though sugar or caffeine seem like energy-boosters, they actually decrease your energy in the long run. Cut back on artificial stimulants and try these true energy boosting beverages instead: lemon-infused water; organic peppermint tea; watermelon juice; hot apple cider with cinnamon; ginger soaked in hot water.
  4. Walk away. Turn off the phone, and go outside to take a walk. Even a short walk can clear your mind and be a meditative way to get answers and solutions. Feeling too tired for a walk? Going outside to sit still in silence and prayer is great for reconnecting with your soul.

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