пятница, 9 октября 2015 г.


This ebook is important not only because of the effect it can have on your level of
income and success, but also because of the positive ways it can affect your health. Here’s what you will get:
  1. 103 disempowering beliefs about money and success and takes you through an easy to follow belief discovery process that will help you to figure out exactly what beliefs are holding you back. I think this discovery process alone is incredibly eye-opening, because it brings your disempowering beliefs to the forefront of your awareness, so that you can eliminate them. 
  2. 103 empowering beliefs that you can start using immediately as positive affirmations to counteract any disempowering beliefs you may have.
  3. And a powerful technique known as Tapping to get at the core of these disempowering beliefs, and to allow you to change them faster than any other way you’ll ever experience! 

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