понедельник, 13 апреля 2020 г.

The Truth About Essential Oils and Cancer

Truth About Essential Oils & Cancer eBook
This is absolutely ludicrous, especially because Americans alone spend more than $124
billion on cancer care! Obviously, something isn’t working, and more and more people are being awakened to the fact that the one-size-fits-all approach to healthcare that most providers have adopted is a major contributing factor.
The truth is there is no diet, no natural remedy protocol or chemotherapy strategy that will work every time. What this means is that the answer for you will not necessarily be the answer for your loved ones. Focus needs to be placed on customizing protocols and strategies to fit each individual. And, in Dr. Eric Zielinski’s opinion, this can only be done God’s way.
Combining cutting-edge science and the ancient practice of aromatherapy discussed in this 182-page eBook, you’ll be equipped with do-it-yourself tips to customize your own essential oil cancer protocol.

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