среда, 8 апреля 2020 г.

15 natural remedies to support immune function

Here are 3 ways garlic supports your natural defenses:

1) Combats sickness - One study found that a daily garlic supplement decreased the length of cold symptoms by 70% and the rate of infection by 63%. [1]
2) Detoxes your body - Garlic is rich in sulfur, which is needed to synthesize glutathione, the most important detoxifying molecule in your body. [2]
3) May lower your risk of complications - Patients with cardiovascular disease are more likely to have severe complications from respiratory infections. Garlic has been shown to improve cholesterol and blood pressure levels. [3, 4]
Other fantastic examples of plant-based medicines that are a little less common include moringa, cat’s claw, and chang shan.

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