понедельник, 9 ноября 2020 г.

Liver Detox & Support

Did you know your liver performs over 500 functions in your body?

It plays a critical role in your health, helping you digest everything you eat and drink and eliminate harmful substances from your body.

The excessive burden of toxins and stress can take a toll, impacting the liver’s ability to function optimally. When the liver is depleted, it becomes sluggish, allowing toxins to build up in your body, which contributes to chronic inflammation and the depletion of your nutrient reserves.

Proactively supporting your liver with detoxification can help keep your liver vital and healthy. Just as you perform annual maintenance on your car and your home, taking time to let your liver rest, repair and heal can help keep it in top condition. When you reduce the incoming toxic load, it allows the liver to catch up on the backlog of toxins.

This 28-page eBook includes a personalized detox checklist and a quick quiz to determine if any of your organ systems may need extra support before jumping into any detox protocol.


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