вторник, 27 октября 2020 г.

Parasympathetic Boosting Recipes

Your dietary choices have a dramatic impact on the balance and function of your

nervous system. Diets high in sugar, artificial chemicals and stimulants — including caffeine, soda and many chemicals found in processed foods — can activate your sympathetic nervous system and trigger the release of stress hormones.

Conversely, a nutrient-dense diet rich in organic vegetables, ethically sourced protein and healthy fats can help support the parasympathetic nervous system and calm the sympathetic nervous system.

As you may know, a healthy supply of protein helps provide a healthy source of vital amino acids that calm your nervous system. Similarly, a variety of organic fruits and vegetables helps support the optimum balance of beneficial bacteria in your gut, which prevents the overgrowth of opportunistic bacteria that can activate your sympathetic nervous system and contribute to health problems.

This 66-page cookbook shares some of Jodi Cohen’s family-favorites: delicious recipes that are easy, efficient, high in protein and feature a variety of vegetables — without ingredients that can turn on your sympathetic nervous system, including sugar, grains, dairy, soy and other inflammatory ingredients.

And be sure to activate your parasympathetic nervous system before eating to ensure optimal digestion, absorption and assimilation!


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