суббота, 5 марта 2016 г.


Click to purchase The Fat Resistance DietClick to purchase Power Healing!Click to purchase Superimmunity for Kids!
Cutting-edge scientific research now shows that weight loss is not just about
calories, carbs, fat grams, or even willpower–it's also about two hormones, leptin and adeponectin, and how they function in your body. Dr. Leo Galland, an expert in the field of nutritional medicine who has studied the link between hormones and obesity for years, has discovered that the root of weight gain and our inability to shed pounds is a hormonal imbalance called "leptin resistance." Reverse this imbalance, and you will restore your body's natural weight loss mechanism and begin dropping pounds. Keep those hormones working properly and you will literally become "fat resistant"–you will never gain those pounds back.
Superimmunity for Kids explains to parents how to feed their children so they can stay healthy, maintain peak disease-fighting capacity, and conquer illness most efficiently. Using optimum nutrition and selected supplements, this unique program provides special requirements for infants, toddlers, school-age kids, and teens.
Included in this book:
-Nutrition advice for pregnant mothers
-What breast milk can do for your baby
-How to introduce your baby to nutritious solid foods
-The Supernourished Toddler — vitamins, minerals, and a toddler meal-plan
-Signs of a nutritional deficiency — stomachaches, infections, allergies, behavioral problems
-How to fight the junk-food junkies
-Special nutritional needs of adolescents — facts about obesity, acne, and osteoporosis
-And a delicious assortment of recipes, including snacks, soups, breakfasts, and much, much more

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