понедельник, 10 августа 2020 г.

The Microbiome Rescue

The Microbiome Rescue eGuide
Did you know the microbiome is a collection of 100 trillion smaller-than-microscopic
organisms that live in and on your body?

The microbiome plays a major role in all aspects of your health! In fact, you’ll be shocked by all the different ways your "friendly bacteria" impacts your body!

Your microbiome is responsible for:

  • Breaking down and absorbing nutrients
  • Communicating with the brain and nervous system
  • Producing sex hormones
  • Producing the brain’s chemical messengers
  • Processing waste
  • Extracting calories from food
  • Controlling weight gain and loss hormones
  • Removing used hormones from your body
  • Managing inflammation

Unfortunately, so many elements of the modern world really hurt the
microbiome and prevent it from functioning optimally. This is a BIG problem for
our health and holds us back from vitality.

Probiotics are one key tool for creating and keeping a healthy gut, but an optimal high-fiber diet, healthy lifestyle choices and stress management can all positively impact the health of your microbiome!

Uncover the secrets of your microbiome in this 14-page eGuide and learn how you can prevent microbiome degeneration and repair damage today.


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