суббота, 16 мая 2020 г.

COVID-19 Viral Defense Protocol

COVID-19 Viral Defense Protocol Presentation with Dr. Thomas E. Levy
Dr. Levy discusses non-toxic virucidal agents, and anti-pathogenic treatments that have
shown success in killing Ebola virus and other coronaviruses, and considers the availability and financial impact of various treatment options.

During this information-packed presentation, you'll learn:
+ Coronavirus infection symptoms
+ Coronavirus prevention protocols
+ Coronavirus treatment: Peroxide nebulization
+ Coronavirus treatment: Far Infrared sauna
+ Coronavirus treatment: Ozone
+ Coronavirus treatment: Vitamin C
+ Coronavirus treatment: Convalescent plasma
+ Coronavirus treatment: Chloroquine

As you will see, just from this presentation, you'll truly be inspired and informed by this educational event!


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