понедельник, 25 июня 2018 г.

Crypto Mania is Coming in 2018

You see, crypto mania is just getting started.

2017 was the year of Bitcoin... when the popular cryptocurrency went up 17-fold in 12 months.
But according to T.C. and his private group of experts, 2018 will be the year of all the smaller and lesser-known cryptos...
  • Like Zurcoin... which shot up 3,558% in a week.
  • BitTokens... which shot up 7,700% in a week.
  • And Sprouts... which shot up 15,595% in a week.
By now, there's no question that cryptocurrencies will exist for decades to come.
The underlying technology is already being tested by the world's biggest banks, including the Bank of America, J.P. Morgan, RBS, Barclays Bank, Credit Suisse, HSBC and more.
But along the way, there will be big winners... and big losers... just as we saw with the dot-com boom.
Some cryptos will become household names and survive for years to come... while others will disappear without a trace.
In T.C.'s new book, you'll see the various ways the next phase of the crypto boom could play out... and which type of new crypto could someday emerge as the "gold standard" (hint: it's not Bitcoin).
And that's not all...
  • You'll see a simple 6-step checklist you can use to determine whether or not a J Curve you spot is authentic. (Page 72)
  • T.C. will walk you through classic J Curve opportunities throughout recent history that could have made you 50 times your money or more. (Page 65)
  • You'll learn more details about the private group T.C. belongs to, and how he legally acquires information on the most exciting crypto opportunities today. No other member of this group is willing to publicly reveal this info. T.C.'s book is the first "tell-all" I know of. (Page 3)
  • He'll explain the different types of cryptos that exist today... and why it's important to own a diverse mixture in your portfolio, from currencies to protocols to enterprises. (Page 43)
  • You'll learn how J Curves can help you trade cryptos for the maximum gains, rather than the usual wait-and-hold approach, "hoping" the crypto will be a mainstream success. (Page 74)
  • T.C. will also show you how you can be sure you're getting in at the perfect time... and when to cash out for the highest profits. (Page 63)
And here's the best part: Today, you can get an advance paperback copy of T.C.'s new 128-page book for just US$19, and that includes shipping and handling. (You can get your copy by clicking here.)

Plus, in addition to this new book, I want to send you a special series of exciting investment reports at no additional charge.
You see – T.C.'s new book, The J Curve, will give you all the background you need to begin using this secret immediately.
But the hardest part is getting started...
That's why we've outlined a series of simple steps you can take immediately, to get into the best cryptos T.C. sees in the market right now and potentially make 5 to 10 times your money without ever having to spot a J Curve yourself...
SPECIAL REPORT #1The Top J Curve Trade Today
Out of the 1,600 cryptos available today... there is just 1 tiny crypto that fits all the criteria of a classic J Curve opportunity.
T.C. believes those who get in today could make a life-changing sum of money in the coming months, as this J Curve plays out.
He'll give you its name... a "Buy up to" price... and everything else you need to know in this brand-new report.
SPECIAL REPORT #2The Top 3 Cryptocurrencies You Should Buy Today
This report names the 3 cryptos T.C. believes you should buy immediately. Including:
  • The crypto "gateway". This is one of the most popular cryptos. It's a way to buy penny cryptos you otherwise can't touch on your own. T.C. believes it could make you 5 times your money this year.
  • The "New Bitcoin." This tiny crypto is T.C.'s favorite speculation right now... a strange new crypto that could do for online shopping carts what Bitcoin did for money. I think you could easily double or triple your money on this crypto over the next few months.
  • "Ethereum 2.0". This new crypto is similar to Ethereum, the one that made T.C. 39 times my money in 5 months. But this version contains critical improvements that could make it even more successful than Ethereum itself. It was developed by the same programmer who's already created two of the most popular cryptos in history. One is up 13,097%. The other is up 5,710%. This newest crypto could be his masterpiece. Frankly, this single crypto could make you 200 times your money over the long run.
SPECIAL REPORT #3A Beginner's Guide to Bitcoin
This plain-English guide shows you, step-by-step, exactly where to go to buy cryptos... how to get approved for a crypto account...
And, most important of all, where and how to safely store your cryptos to ensure that you never get hacked – and that all your cryptos are securely tucked away in private.
We'll give you the names of which exchanges and which wallets you should be using.
Even if you've never bought a crypto before, or you aren't entirely sure how they work... this user-friendly guide will get you started with just a few minutes of effort.
Think of this as your "crypto Bible". It contains everything you need to start making money in this market right away.

You'll receive all of these reports free of charge along with your copy of T.C.'s new book today.
Now look... some people think we're crazy for recommending such a new and little-known asset class right now...

But the way we see it... what's REALLY crazy is risking 100% of your capital into so-called "conservative" investments recommended by your broker that will make you 10% a year, if you're lucky.

The reality is, if you can consistently make smart speculations on the best new cryptos with even a very small capital allocation, you could make many times more money than you ever would with the "conservative" stocks everyone else is buying right now...
Any investment can be risky, especially in today's stock market.
If you're going to take the risk of investing in any capital market, it makes a lot more sense to buy assets that at least have the potential to go up by 1,000% to 10,000% – and in some cases, even higher.
And the fact is, T.C.'s J Curve strategy has already proven to be one of the most effective crypto moneymaking secrets in the world.
Here's how just a few of the crypto recommendations T.C. has shared in public have performed so far...
Crypto #1: Up 102%
Crypto #2: Up 165%
Crypto #3: Up 352%
Crypto #4: Up 492%
Crypto #5: Up 2,517%
You could have more than doubled your money twice... made more than 4 times your money twice... and once, you could have made an incredible 26 times your money on a single investment.
But keep in mind: It's important to invest in a basket of several cryptos at once... so that even if you take a loss on one, you're positioned to make it up by 1,000% or more on the winners.
That's why you need to get all the best information.

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