понедельник, 15 января 2018 г.

How To Keep Reiki By Your Side All Day Long

Change is something that comes marching in when Reiki enters your life. The more you
allow change to occur and are accepting of it the easier it is. Change comes best when you jump into the flow of the changing events and flow with it rather than swimming up the current fighting everything that is a change for your greatest good. One of the most common changes that comes with Reiki is the change in your vibrational level in the Universe. Usually after each Reiki attunement you will move up to a different vibration but it can also happen at any time. When you manifest one of the most important steps is to allow yourself to feel as if you already have what it is you desire. This is actually you feeling the vibrational level of what it is that you are seeking. You have to send out the vibration to get the vibration.

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