среда, 9 сентября 2020 г.

Let's "Talk" About Genetics!

Let’s “Talk” About GENETICS eBook

In this 30-page document, you’ll learn about:

  • “Hidden Genetic Switches” with Mark Sisson
  • “Genetic Defects and MTHFR” with Sterling Hill
  • “Express the Power in Your DNA” with Charan Surdhar, BSc, MSc

Here are some astonishing quotes from the interviews:

Mark Sisson
“We don’t get enough sun exposure. And even though the medical community has warned us to stay out of the sun, I would argue that more people get cancer as a result of having aggressively avoided the sun than ever get skin cancer from having had too much sun. UVB rays from the sun are critical in converting cholesterol in the skin to vitamin D. Vitamin D is critical to our immune response. So when we have low levels of vitamin D, our immune ability to fight infection decreases.”

Sterling Hill
“When someone has a defect of one of their genetic MTHFR SNPs, he or she can have an array of problems related to folate deficiency, such as neural tube defects, spina bifida, elevated homocysteine, poor methylation issues, miscarriage, cancers and autoimmune diseases.”

Charan Surdhar, BSc, MSc
“Trust and know that you have this perfection already within you. It’s already there, that diamond. It’s there. And how do we access it? We allow ourselves to feel every sensation in our body. Allow ourselves to be with ourselves. And, as we do that, it allows for consciousness to encompass us in such a beautiful way that it begins to clear things in our life, our body, allows the DNA expression to move into the alignment that it’s meant to be. We’re so powerful, beyond belief. We need to recognize that now.”

As you can see, these transcripts are full of worthwhile perspectives and protocols of the trade, so I hope you’ll take a moment to download them today.


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