пятница, 10 января 2020 г.

Living Cookbook

The Body Ecology Living Digital Cookbook
This 192-page cookbook is for those who want to heal their bodies (and love cooking up
some delicious food at the same time!) — yes, healing and deliciousness can go hand in hand! Donna Gates put this recipe book together as if you were in the kitchen with her — 107 delicious recipes covering smoothies, salads, veggies, dressings and sauces, proteins and desserts!
Each section includes information you’ll find useful on your journey toward healing, while delighting everyone at your table!
As you prepare these recipes, please do so with an intention to heal — a cook’s vibrations are always in the food. In fact, in earlier times, many spiritual teachers would choose their most spiritually elevated devotees to prepare food for them, knowing that only a well-balanced, centered person with a gentle, humble soul had the power to create food with a harmonious and positive energy.
The best-kept secret to creating delicious meals is to prepare them with a heart of gratitude. When you do, the food “feels” your energy and responds in a loving way.
This is the true meaning of the saying “food is medicine.”

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